Intercooler Repair and Maintenance

Dirty or aged intercoolers can make it seem like your compressor is working harder but producing less air.  These types of intercoolers, can increase air temperature and reduce air density in the compression stage, resulting in a reduction in the efficiency range, or turndown. Ultimately, this will decrease the flow produced. Heat and humidity can exacerbate this situation, further compromising a compressor’s capacity. All of these factors work together to create the perfect environment for a surge, which occurs when inlet flow is reduced to a degree that is insufficient to overcome the discharge pressure of the compressor. Compressors that experience surges are operating in a state of aerodynamic instability. This can be harmful to various compressor components. 

By following scheduled maintenance guidelines, FS-Compression can help you replace or maintain aged or fouled intercoolers to original pressure, efficiency, capacity, and avoid surge. At FS-Compression, we have a designated section of the manufacturing plant dedicated to only cooler repairs to ensure the best quality work. Contact FS-Compression today to schedule a cooler inspection.  

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